The WHAT and WHY

What is Nature-Based Education?  Our curriculum is designed to immerse explorers in the beauty and complexity of our natural world.  Through hands-on activities, we'll explore local ecosystems, practice plant identification, wildlife observation and conservation practices.  We learn to adapt and how to be kind, contributing and effective members of our communities. 

Structured Play: Our organized activities include guided nature walks, workshops on sustainable practices, team building exercises, arts and crafts, and many guests and presentations to support learning about wildlife and our role is being ecologically responsible.  We also practice mindfulness and meditation daily with sit-spots in the natural environment.  Here children and staff soak in the benefits of being immersed in nature and reap the benefits of birdsong, moving water and other natural elements.

Unstructured Play:  We believe in the power of free exploration and play.  Explorers have ample time to discover and interact with each other and their surroundings in a safe environment.  We build and create art from natural materials, observe the wonders of the creek and surrounding ecosystem, and imaginative play.  

Benefits of our program and being outside in all weather include boosted immunity, enhanced mood, exposure to Vitamin D, and improved sleep and cognitive development.  Daily activities promote improved language and social skills, emotional regulation and expression, resiliency, practice and development of motor skills and physical abilities, understanding the world, fostering creativity, adaptability and cultural awareness. 

Most important- we soak in the benefits of being outside in all weather and remove the daily stressors of our current world.  Children come to a safe place that is a natural space for growth and outlet for stress relief.  Our programs focus on age-appropriate holistic child development.  We want to aid their journey to become well-rounded individuals as they navigate the complexities of life.